with Home Ed Coach & Mentor, Kelly Rigg
STOP living your life THROUGH your kids.
You deserve to be more than just their ride whilst they live their #bestlife!
If you are anything like me...
Then you have opted out of society's hustle culture training ground (school) for a reason, but somehow we end up STILL living lives so busy, distracted, torn between work, housework, supporting our kids to become amazing humans....
That we forget something SO IMPORTANT.
We forget that we have chosen to do it all to have a home, a lifestyle or existence to make us ACTUALLY 'happy', fulfilled, satisfied, curious and friggin ALIVE!!
I can promise you the rat race you find yourself in right now can and should change and this workshop is all about the HOW.
The problem is...
...right now that sounds like a pipe dream - as standing between you and that life is a brain that has been hard-wired with a lifetime of beliefs, experiences, judgements and fears.
Even worse, you live a day to day existence that leaves you overworked, overstimulated (and under stimulated in equal measure), under-nourished, frustrated and more like a hamster on a wheel than a person striding through, owning their life.
Whilst your kids, I am sure, live their best life right in front of your eyes. A recipe for resentment if ever I saw one!
I know this, because 4 years ago, I was living this.
And now?
Now I am passionately and consistently tweaking my life to ensure maximum joy, rest, engagement, learning and fun - my work, play and time spent educating my kids is carefully designed.
It isn't just them being offered freedom now, it's me too.
And I am now ready to share the how, with YOU.

You are welcome to join this session no matter where in the world you are, whether you have elected to home ed from the start or have found yourself unceremoniously stranded here with a 13 yr old kid. This is a safe place to feel however you feel about your experience so far and to inspire you to consider what your life could be about to become. If you consciously choose to realise it.
This is open to any gender parents, grandparents or carers who home educate or plan to.
This FREE 1 hour workshop has been recorded and published as an audio easy to access from spotify, apple music and via your browser. You can listen or read the transcript right away, the second you click register!
The host of this workshop is Home Ed Lifestyle Mentor and Coach, Kelly Rigg - founder of Offroading Motherhood.
We will come together to grasp real, actionable steps you can start taking immediately to understand:

YOUR School Trauma
Why deschooling is important on a level you have never understood before, we will do a deep dive into the mess our school system has made in the brains of adults today and how so much of it is holding YOU back from living your own life in a fulfilling, enriching and friggin awesome way!

YOUR Dream
What your actual dream is, like really, what is it you are dreaming of for your kids, for yourself, what are you aiming for, and how we can take some immediate action to bring us closer to that reality.
Making sure you have the right goals, ambitions and boundaries in place for YOU.

It's in what you do!
How much of your day is spent doing...
Except how much of it is spent being purposeful?
Except how much of that feels nourishing?
We will talk about how our intentions around how we use our time MATTER.

I am a home educating mum based in Surrey, UK with two school age children - I have ADHD and likely autism and both my children are showing traits of these too. We elected to home educate when my son would have started reception around 4 years ago, due to his huge dis-regulation around childcare and because frankly after the covid years, I wanted to get some more of his childhood back!
Simple reasons with no clue how transformative this decision would be!
Since then we have fully embraced this incredible lifestyle. We follow a child-led education practice which allows us ALL huge flexibility and an opportunity to thrive as individuals in a world rich in opportunity.
I am not here to convince you that home ed is for you, nor to tell you how to home educate, suggesting curriculums or ideologies - etc - but to help you figure out what it is you and your family actually NEED, what ethos, core values and lifestyle would suit you all best to allow this lifestyle shift to actually shift things and ultimately make you all so much happier.
So let's work on clearing those weeds and planting the seeds of incredible experiences you want to have.
"Every time I speak to you, something major clicks into place."
Hazel Whicher
"Kelly has an amazing ability that helps me unpick my jumbled thoughts and start seeing the root of an issue, she holds my hand while we work our way through. Kelly has helped me to start forging my own path, and living life for me!"
Sarita Jairath
For the free Banish Home Ed Burnout Workshop
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