Ways that I save ooodles of money🤑 as a home educator!
Sep 01, 2024
Choosing home education often comes with some element of financial sacrifice - one that most of us do willingly to gain that all important time to connect and enjoy our family.
But let's be honest, getting savvy when it come to ensuring our kids stay inspired, meet their learning goals, have clothes and food and a warm home to sleep in has become essential in recent years and there are a few companies out there who really have your back!
These are some places I have personally found to not only have a brilliant service, but tend to save the planet as well as our pockets!
Whirli: Toy Borrowing Service
I have used Whirli a few times over the years when our toy collection has grown stagnant. My two are often a go bonkers out doors and a chill on screen indoors vibe so it is really important to me that I inspire their free-play as much as possible! But - why shop when you can swap?. With a subscription at any level that suits you, you get to borrow a variety of toys, ensuring our home educated children have access to new and exciting learning tools without the clutter and expense of owning them all. This service is perfect for home educators who want to provide a dynamic play environment that evolves with their children's interests, all while promoting sustainability and reducing waste.
Use my link to get:
Get 2 Months FREE on 12-Month Plans, or 1 Month FREE on 6-Month Plans
Preworn Ltd: Pre-Loved Clothes for Eco-Conscious Families
Preworn is something I have only recently come across but have been so pleased with! Ordering a single dress online has me balking these days so getting 6 items for a grand total of £37 had me hopping up and down!
They have a huge range of clothes - so much to choose from whether you need mens, women's or children's clothing on a budget. Sustainable living, variety, low prices - what's not to love?
As we do our best here to teach my kids the value of reusing and recycling, Preworn provides an opportunity to practice what we preach. Their selection of quality, gently-used clothing not only helps us reduce our environmental footprint but also allows us to dress our children in stylish and affordable attire. It's a win-win for families who prioritize both the planet and their budget.
Get 10% off your order with my code: OFFROADINGMOTHERHOOD
Twinkl: Comprehensive Educational Resources
Twinkl was one of the company's I found back at the very beginning of our journey and there's a reason most home educators I know will say they've used it. It offers a literal treasure trove of educational resources that are a boon for any home educator whether you follow curriculum or not. With a vast array of worksheets, fun activities, lesson plans to help you figure out how to cover a topic your kids have asked to delve into, apps, games, a book club, online classes and soooo much more, Twinkl has been holding my hand by providing exactly the resource I need at every turn as we have started out in our home education journey and I cannot imagine letting my subscription lapse!
Having such a comprehensive resource at my finger tips at such a low price takes one huge weight off my shoulders.
Drop me a line with your e-mail address and I will gift you a free month!
Or just head to their website to check it out now.
Other ways to save huge pennies is to try the following:
1. Reach out to any attraction you plan to visit and ask in advance if they will offer you an educational rate (school rate) to attend during weekday term-time. I have personally saved £100's this year doing this! Some places even offer set free home ed days!
2. Utilise freebies attached to other subscriptions - Sky TV, Octopus energy - a number of businesses offer pretty decent perks like free cinema tickets, free coffees when out and about, discounted to west-end shows, free downloads and resources - make sure you have checked out whether you have any great offers lurking untapped with businesses you use!
3. Charity shops - an obvious one but always a good one - never just for clothes and knick-knacks, charity shops are a gem in plain site when it comes to books, puzzles, toys and other educational materials like scrap materials/yarn/buttons for crafting!
4. Get creative - ever go to order something online and then think 'hmmmm is there a way I can make this?' - it isn't a solution for every day but whether its laminating plain or lined paper to make mini white boards, or recycling junk into home-made board games or play scenes for roleplay - there are ways to cut pennies on stuff you might usually buy by rethinking stuff you have lying around first!
5. Annual subscriptions to attractions - every year we treat ourselves to a subscription to one attraction or group of them, to go as often as we can. Our Brooklands Museum membership was around £100 a year for the whole family and we went at least 2-3 times a month - not only does it save a fortune, it also allows you to go much deeper than a rushed surface level trip for the day and means you can really take your time.
There must be dozens more, but my brain appears to be running out of ideas right now, hehe, if I think of more, I will come back and add them!
Regardless, saving money doesn't have to mean not living your best life and I hope this has proved that to you!
About the Author
I am Kelly, a home educating parent of 2, with ADHD. I coach parents on how to transform their OWN journey within home education to embrace their own joy and find a balance that means they can keep their cool, have space, hobbies, boundaries, and banish limiting beliefs that cause them to burn out home educating their kids time and again!
If you would love to work together, you can reach out via my work with me page—or find out more about my story here.
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