We are in the age of information, data tracking is everywhere, from your supermarket shopping to where you travel regularly, to the way you spend your time.
Since Covid struck, thousands more families have chosen to home educate their children - some because they saw their children or...
Hey you,
I wanted to write you a little note,from one parent to another, if you have found yourself wondering lately if school just isn't the best fit for your kid - and you've found yourself googling 'should I home educate instead?'.
You may well have a young person in your life who is not...
This is a bit of a strange analogy but I have stumbled across it this week when trying to explain to a friend why school isn't always the best option for our kids.
If you buy a pair of jeans and you try them on and they are cut really low, far too tight on your thighs and too long on the...
Home Ed Kids are as unique as they come, so putting together a Christmas Gift Guide for them hasn't been easy, but here's some brilliant bits that I think pretty much every home ed kid will love!
Here are some great gift ideas if you are feeling a bit stuck for things that are as...
If you are finding yourself googling this, chances are you are supporting a child or multiple children as a parent, grandparent, teacher - and you are wanting to ensure that you understand what Home Education really means, what it looks like, what all the jargon around it means and I want to help...
It dawned on me a short while ago that I am sure there are people all over the world typing into google 'what would a home educator love for Christmas' and if you aren't one yourself, you may not realise how often home educators are scrimping and saving to make their lifestyle achievable - how...
It's that time, we are headed into the October half term and despite most of us reeling from a year of financial crisis and endless work demands, trying to manage or make the best of endless parenting challenges, we are all doing that thing that we do....
Where we see clubs/classes on pause for...
This blog is coming from the heart today, I am sat here - with my mind telling me everything I am not 'good' enough at right now.
'You need to get more variety into your kids....they are eating too much simple food...'
'You haven't posted on social media enough this week...are you even trying to...
I want to start this blog by saying that this is one of the biggest battles we face as human beings - we love to feel accepted and embraced by our peers and the act of defying convention and believing something different to others can require real courage! I know that I will spend a...
I want to start this blog by emphasising the importance of the answer to the question you may have typed into google that found this blog, Home Education is a perfectly legal form of education. It is your human right as a parent to a child. It is their human right to freedom in education. It is...
Choosing home education often comes with some element of financial sacrifice - one that most of us do willingly to gain that all important time to connect and enjoy our family.
But let's be honest, getting savvy when it come to ensuring our kids stay inspired, meet their learning goals, have...
As a home educating parent, the start of a new school year is an odd one. It comes with a kind of ghost attached - a schooled, slightly anxious, feeling like everything needs to step up - more needs to be achieved and more pressure added. It is a hang up from our school days and one that I work...
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