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The Big Home Ed Conversations Podcast

Inspired by the deep and moving conversations we found ourselves having as friends sat around each-others dining room tables whilst the kids ran in and out - we sat there one day and said 'reckon we should start a podcast?' and the idea was born!

We are both hell-bent on healing our own childhood trauma, as well as deschooling and ridding ourselves of fixed mindsets and limited beliefs about how we should parent, care for ourselves, educate our kids and so much more. It isn't easy walking that path alone and this podcast is designed to help you feel like you are sat around our dining table with us, digging deep, shaking off stuff that's keeping you small, sad, frustrated and show you that there are so many of us out there fighting the same battle as you. 

You can listen to Episode 1 - The Who & The Why to find out a lot more about us and our reasons, but in short:


I'm Kelly, founder of Offroading Motherhood and trained home ed lifestyle coach, consultant and mentor - determined to help parents live inspired, thrilling lives right alongside their kids - not to sacrifice and suffer whilst they live their best life. I feel like home education is a gateway to an unparalleled freedom - from all the things our society does to keep us small - but it takes some serious mindset shifting! Read more About Me or how to Work With Me.

I'm Ashley, Home Educating Mum of 3 and ex-primary school teacher, I have lived in America, Italy and now the UK as a home educating parent (or homeschooling for my US friends) and I am passionately determined to allow myself and my kids to live a life loving learning, believing we can do anything!  

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The Big Home Ed Conversations Podcast

Inspired by the deep and moving conversations we found ourselves having as friends sat around each-others dining room tables whilst the kids ran in and out - we sat there one day and said 'reckon we should start a podcast?' and the idea was born!

We are both hell-bent on healing our own childhood trauma, as well as deschooling and ridding ourselves of fixed mindsets and limited beliefs about how we should parent, care for ourselves, educate our kids and so much more. It isn't easy walking that path alone and this podcast is designed to help you feel like you are sat around our dining table with us, digging deep, shaking off stuff that's keeping you small, sad, frustrated and show you that there are so many of us out there fighting the same battle as you. 

You can listen to Episode 1 - The Who & The Why to find out a lot more about us and our reasons, but in short:


I'm Kelly, founder of Offroading Motherhood and trained home ed lifestyle coach, consultant and mentor - determined to help parents live inspired, thrilling lives right alongside their kids - not to sacrifice and suffer whilst they live their best life. I feel like home education is a gateway to an unparalleled freedom - from all the things our society does to keep us small - but it takes some serious mindset shifting! Read more About Me or how to Work With Me.

I'm Ashley, Home Educating Mum of 3 and ex-primary school teacher, I have lived in America, Italy and now the UK as a home educating parent (or homeschooling for my US friends) and I am passionately determined to allow myself and my kids to live a life loving learning, believing we can do anything!  

Love our content? Buy us a coffee 💕☕

Standing Strong with Home Ed Businesses

We reach out to businesses that are run by home educating parents and they offer us affiliate links that when used, help to fund the podcast and gives you a discount in some cases - PLUS it ensures that what you buy, supports another home ed family to keep living their dreams! 


Buy the jeans that fit...

Dec 04, 2024