Hi! I’m Kelly


I cannot wait to get to know YOU; but, for now,  I will tell you a little about me - I am a Consultant & Coach for parents, I especially love to work with families who are neurodivergent and are figuring out what that means for them.  I also work with parents as they transition their children out of mainstream school, into home education or alternative provisions whilst trying to overcome any fears they are harbouring, build confidence and establish the life they are dreaming of for their kids - AND for THEMSELVES too.

When I became a mother back in 2016, I fully let society push and pull me around. It expected me to ignore all my instincts, to punish myself for every short-falling, hustle back to work and detach from my children as quickly as possible. I did as I was told, I was a good girl. I’d never rocked the boat and I wasn’t about to start now...


I wish I could remember THE exact moment that I woke up and realized I was being duped, when I realized Home Education was even an option and started my incredible journey to freedom from the arbitrary social pressures of traditional schooling and parenting...

But, alas, as a home educating, ADHD (and possibly Autistic) mummy to two equally neuro-diverse firecrackers aged 8 and 5, budding painter, gardener, and bird watcher (aka sitting looking at the view out of my back window-er); remembering why I just arrived in the kitchen escapes me half the time, let alone what now feels like ancient history.

All I know is that I have gone from living a life berating myself about what achievement comes next, to living the heck out of the life I have right now.



I am letting loose who I really am and what I really want, both for me and my family - harnessing my fiercely-loving mama bear energy. Slowing down. Going inwards. Finding acceptance and trusting myself. Making some seriously hard and wonderful decisions.

One of the decisions my gut was screaming at me to lean into was to become a Coach and Mentor for other parents desperate to make different, more intuitive choices too - determined to hold themselves - valuing their own happiness and growth, who love and cherish their own life, who achieve their own goals and set free their incredible, beautiful selves.

People who maybe didn't even realize that the voice inside, begging them to trust it, is the ONLY ONE worth listening to.

The one that encourages and loves their children, but deeply hopes for, and also fears that they will live a life that far exceeds the boundaries of their own.

As I started to host my own sessions as a coach within Courage & Chamomile, I started to evolve that mama bear energy into creating a soft landing for those deepest thoughts, the shadows and needs or desires that bubble away inside, hidden beneath the layers of conditioning, rules, and 'should's'.

A quiet, supportive, safe space with a roaring fire in the hearth ready to warm your bones and slowly, steadily, fill you up with its roaring force instead.

You have a fully empowered, trustworthy, and passionate parent within you, fighting to get out and make choices that will support you to fully embrace and enjoy your life. Let me help you hear them and allow them to live a life as full as you offer your children.

My Qualifications & Wisdom

  • Rewilding Motherhood®️ Facilitator Certification with Courage & Chamomile. 
  • Trained in the REVEAL process of facilitation and coaching. (Receive, Enquire, Validate, Educate, Activate, Live it.)
  • Trained and Experienced in holding mothers circles.
  • Wisdom in:
    - The History of Womenhood, Schooling & Home Education
    - Inner Child work
    - Deschooling Beliefs
    - Systemic Conditioning & Social Constructs
    - Creating nourishing environments
    - Limiting Beliefs
    - Cycles and Human Nature
    - Mindfulness and Embracing Our Senses
    - Intuitive Eating 
    - Creative Healing
  • Experience working with pre-school children age 0-5.
  • Home Education Expertise:
    -Home Educator of two SEND children.
    -5 Years electively home educating my own children. 
    - Extensive personal self growth and reading around Home Education Methods, Institutional Schooling, Emotional, Social and Intellectual growth through Child-Led Learning Practices.
    - Community Leader hosting multiple local meetups and associated with CIC groups dedicated to supporting children out of school. 

Want to Reach Out?


Learn more about how to work with me by clicking below, or drop me a Whatsapp message and let me know how I can help.

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Thinking of Home Educating?


I was absolutely terrified when I first thought about Home Ed, it's a minefield of self confidence, trust, hope, potential, excitement, judgement and so much more. Come join the conversation.

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Buy the jeans that fit...

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